Welcome, It is great you are in your mid 30's, my husband and I were in this org for 40 years before we were able to see the reality of what this organization is about.
I like this site, as you are able to talk w/o fear of anyone "turning you in" (tho don't post your real name, or give too many details that would ID you, in case some elder wants to "catch you")
As was said above, just read the topics that interest you, go slow, absorb.
www.jwfacts.com is another great site where you can read facts from the WT's own publications. It is very simple and straight forward (unlike the WT that can take you down 10 paragraphs, in circles to make a very unclear, double meaning point... right?)
Enjoy your life without fear, without guilt... It is so great that you have begun a journey of happiness.
Congrats, cha ching!